yungsnuggie (1281)


Berkeley Engineer

An engineer that graduated from UC Berkeley, pretty nerdy, not interested in starting their own company

Travis: Hey I have an idea for a new taxi service, do you want to join as a cofounder?
Kilim: No I think I want to work for google. It's very prestigious.

Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago

  • zazpowered zazpowered

    @davidheming3 I agree. I actually went to Berkeley and I think we are doing well in entrepreneurship but we are still behind Stanford, especially with companies that have started recently. Also this was tongue in cheek and just something I observed in some friends.

    over 9 years ago
  • davidheming3 davidheming3

    You mean to say that Berkeley engineers and non-engineering alums founding Intel, Apple, Myspace, Sandisk, Sun Microsystems to name a few is not entrepreneurial enough? UC Berkeley is #2 or #3 when it comes to undergraduates pumping out entrepreneurs, not too far behind Stanford.

    over 9 years ago

This Guy Fucks

Made popular by Russ Hanneman on the Silicon Valley show. It is just something to say when you want to mess with somebody. Meaningless. Could also mean this guy has a lot of sex but its impossible to tell.

Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


    This changes everything

    Nothing has changed. Pure marketing


    Introducing the iPhone 4. This changes everything.

    Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago

    • charlesjo charlesjo

      Love it. Although, I did love my iPhone 4S. And it still runs like ALL Apple products I have ever owned!

      over 9 years ago
    • thepaleking thepaleking

      Doesn't change much to be honest, 99% marketing 1% decent phone

      almost 9 years ago

    Fuck you money

    When you make enough money from a startup or job that you can basically do whatever you want. Usually from equity after a liquidity event.

    Engineering manager: Congrats on the IPO everybody. See you guys on Monday.
    Engineer: I'm not sure about that
    Manager: You think you can do whatever you want now you have that fuck you money?
    Engineer: Sorry sir. I just got a little excited

    Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago



    A student pursuing an undergraduate, Masters, or PhD degree from UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business.

    I don't know whether to add Derrick to our Hackathon team. He's just a Haashole who tries too hard and doesn't understand how anything works. He's a great bullshiter though so maybe he would be useful for the presentation.

    Added by covfefelord covfefelord over 9 years ago


      The Woz

      Legendary Apple Co-Founder and alumni of UC Berkeley rumored to have mystical power beyond human understanding. A lounge in UC Berkeley's Soda Hall is named after him in his honor.

      The Woz has somehow managed to outlive his co-founder Steve Jobs, who ironically cared alot more about his diet and health than he did. I wonder what he knows that the world doesn't.

      Added by covfefelord covfefelord over 9 years ago


        Jian Yang

        A character on the Silicon Valley show that represents your stereotypical asian engineer in the Silicon Valley world. Jian Yang is from China and is often misunderstood due to cultural differences and language barriers.

        Jian Yang: Which is for burning?
        Erlich: We don't burn trash in this country. It's illegal.
        Jian Yang: What about garbage?

        The actor for Jian Yang, Jimmy Yang doing standup:

        Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago



          A very large number of bytes. 10^24 bytes to be exact, but this term can never be used in serious context, so it doesn't really matter.

          Dude 1: Dude how much porn do you have on there?
          Dude 2: Yottabytes dude.

          Added by zander zander over 9 years ago


            Crushing it

            Achieving exceptional success with something.

            Jess is totally crushing it with her new Uber-for-VC-funding app. She's already been hunted.


            Added by Travis Travis over 9 years ago

            • charlesjo charlesjo

              Founders use this term until "Awesome Journey."

              over 9 years ago


            Refers to the variety of technologies used to build and maintain your website, app, or service. Might also refer to a large amount of pancakes.

            Son: Hey pops, wanna throw another stack on my plate? Pass the syrup too.
            Pops: No son, your stack needs to maintainable, don't let your code base get out of control!

            Added by zander zander over 9 years ago


              Engineer Unicorn

              An engineer that is competent, good looking, dresses well and is not socially awkward.

              John: How come no other engineers are like David?
              Mary: He's an engineer unicorn. They are rare.

              Added by pygmyknight pygmyknight over 9 years ago

              • torbenberger torbenberger

                The legend says some of them can be found here

                about 9 years ago
              • employeeNumbaOne employeeNumbaOne

                "Unicorn" is a common term for an engineer (usually front-end) who also has good taste in design and is able to contribute to UX early on. But "unicorn" is also used for startups that turn out to be breakout successes, like Uber and Airbnb. Silicon Valley really likes unicorns.

                about 9 years ago

              Uber of...

              Commonly used by startup founders to compare their mediocre startup or idea to the startup unicorn Uber.

              Startup Founder: We're the Uber of food delivery.
              VC: Uhhh... so is everyone else.

              Added by ssc242 ssc242 over 9 years ago

              • iceariel13 iceariel13

                Yep, seamless, delivery,com, munchery, caviar...the list never ends

                about 9 years ago
              • N.Hemingway N.Hemingway

                You should additionally add "Facebook of..." probably the most heard phrase since 2010 ;D

                about 9 years ago

              Awesome Journey

              Used when a startup has failed. Intend to give a positive spin on what is a gut wrenching moment.

              While our startup has failed, it has been an awesome journey.

              Added by beenpoor beenpoor over 9 years ago


              Churn Rate

              Refers to the speed at which you can churn butter. Interns are often graded on this criteria. Higher churn rate makes you more legit in the valley.

              Intern: do I really have to churn all of this butter?
              Boss: yes it is vital for our equitable stability consumer vision internet of things platform.

              Added by zander zander over 9 years ago


                Exit Strategy

                Plan you must devise with your employees in case a competitor starts attacking your office in an attempt to obtain your most secret information. If you care about the safety of the people you employ, it is very important that you have an exit strategy.

                Employee: They're breaking the perimeter! What do we do?
                Employee 2: We should give in and hand over the algorithm!
                Boss Dude: NO- remember the exit strategy! Mark- prepare the flamethrower, Hillary- do you remember how to fly the helicopter?

                Added by zander zander over 9 years ago


                  Social Media

                  The first team to be downsized when you run out of funding.

                  Our social media manager was let go after she accidentally posted that Reddit thread to Twitter.

                  Added by firasd firasd over 9 years ago



                    A mythical University in Canada where many good Engineers and Computer Scientists come from.

                    Sam: "Where are all these Canadians from?"
                    Matthew: "We hired 10 interns and 20 full-times from Waterloo. They get shit done because if we don't hire them, they'll have to work for Blackberry."

                    Added by robert robert over 9 years ago

                    • zazpowered zazpowered

                      @orien No what are you talking about

                      over 9 years ago
                    • zazpowered zazpowered

                      @SingleCommaClub It's similar to what you see from immigrants to a new country like US or Canada

                      over 9 years ago
                    • zazpowered zazpowered

                      I have a lot of friends from canada and waterloo and this seems really accurate from what i've heard

                      over 9 years ago
                    • charlesjo charlesjo

                      It's like a parallel universe of Silicon Valley where people speak American English...

                      over 9 years ago
                    • orien orien

                      @zazpowered aren't you from waterloo

                      over 9 years ago
                    • freefunctor freefunctor

                      @SingleCommaClub That's not true at all. Pretty much everyone I know from my graduating class got offers from US companies. A significant proportion of students choose to stay because the region is booming right now, and also the quality of life in Canada is pretty high.

                      about 9 years ago
                    • zazpowered zazpowered

                      @freefunctor toronto and canada are awesome

                      about 9 years ago
                    • SingleCommaClub SingleCommaClub

                      Have worked with a lot of engineers from Waterloo through internships and full time. Can honestly say they are very talented, but there is a bias because all the ones that make it to US companies are generally top notch.

                      over 9 years ago
                    • Devilinlimbo Devilinlimbo

                      I love this site!

                      almost 8 years ago

                    Early Employee

                    A founder who will take 1% of the company instead of 25%. This is a polite way of saying "sucker."

                    CEO: "We couldn't have done it without a few great early employees."

                    Added by employeeNumbaOne employeeNumbaOne over 9 years ago

                    • SingleCommaClub SingleCommaClub

                      I still wouldn't minded having been an early employee at Facebook or Uber.

                      over 9 years ago
                    • employeeNumbaOne employeeNumbaOne

                      @silconobserver Zach Holman.

                      over 8 years ago
                    • silconobserver silconobserver

                      This is total and utter bullshit. The founder risks his entire savings, family/friend relationships and pours his life into his startup. When things finally begin to work he goes out and hires the first few employees. In return the "early employees" get paid market rate or slightly below market rate and get equity and the founder gets painted as a greedy bastard? Who is the real sucker here

                      over 8 years ago

                    Lean Domaining

                    Is a strategy used by scrappy startup founders to acquire domains from domain squatters for the lowest price possible. You email the squatter under the guise of a young boy trying to set up a website for his local church group. By using bad grammar (and just sounding dumb in general) you need to sell to the squatter how little money you have, how much hardship you are going through and how much that website will mean to your community. After selling you the domain, the squatter may read your $35m Series A on Techcrunch but that's just business.

                    hey john,

                    I'm new to the internet i sw that you own my church group has made me in charge of setting up a web page. I heard that geocities would be a good place to start. u recommend perl? anyways i have $50. please help me out


                    Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                      Non-technical Cofounder

                      A Wharton MBA who will overestimate the value of his idea and underestimate the value of the person who will implement it. Often wonders why his technical cofounders leave him and the apps they build look like shit and get hacked all the time.

                      Non-technical Cofounder: Why do all these technical cofounders leave me? Did they not see the MBA from Wharton in my email? I'm telling you right now, I know how to write a business plan. I even offered the last guy 10% of my company.

                      Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago