A code probably once served a purpose, but doesn't anymore. You're afraid of removing it because after years it just looks right the way it is.
In evolutionary biology vestigial organs are the ones an organism probably once used but no longer serve a purpose today.
James: Dude help me debug my new one button app, "Dude."
Zeeshan: What is all this? None of it serves a purpose.
James: It's vestigial code that makes gives me confidence when making something new. I've just built everything on top of my dayspan code from freshman year until now. I commented it out, don't worry.
Zeeshan: You're a terrible human being, you know that?
Pay to play is a phrase used for a variety of situations in which money is exchanged for services or the privilege to engage in certain activities within a mobile or console game.
Antonio: LoL is a totally free Pay to Play game MOBA game.
Zeeshan: That's awesome, so you haven't spent any money on it?
Antonio: Only 300$. But dat Annie skin is jus' so sweet man.
Zeeshan: You don't read Penny Arcade do you...
The incredible amount of fatigue one feels after playing hours of flappy bird. Your overall day begins to deteriorate as you think to yourself why you couldn't get past your currently highest pipe number.
Abdullah: Dude you look exhausted. What's going on?
Zeerek:: I've got flappy bird fatigue because after playing it for 2 hours this morning while Karen was giving an HR presentation. I feel completely wiped out, but all I want to do is keep playing.
A trend among SV developers to make apps that perform it's function in a simple button press. Many hold the belief that if you can't do your apps function in one button, it doesn't pass the test for a powerful app in todays age. Whether that's true or not is a completely different story.
Antonio: Yo is such a great one button app. I can send you Yo's anytime with the press of a single button.
Zeeshan: Yo, stop sending me yo's.
An acronym used in forums referring to Paul Graham, founder of Y Combinator and creator of Hacker news. He spends his time tweeting about how much Y Combinator has grown and describing the perfect founder in a similar way that Cosmopolitan magazine describes the perfect man or woman.
I read a PG essay talking about how the perfect founder has an engineering degree, is always hungry, and lives with his founders in the same apartment. After graduating from Stanford,, we now live in Palo Alto in a one bedroom apartment without any food in the fridge other than raw ramen payed for using the profits of our company in which we are the only customers of.
The Raspberry Pi is a series of credit card-sized single-board computers developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. They are tiny computers often used in Hackathons to make cool stuff.
Zeeshan: I used a Raspberry Pi to build a Google Glass that could emulate Game Boy Advance games.
Matt: Why would anyone want something like that.
Zeeshan: Lord knows but it won a prize at this Hackathon.
When an engineer or person working at a computer doesn't cut his finger nails and his typing speed is slowed down because of it.
Jack: Why are you working so slowly today? It took you 20 more minutes to debug Horace's shitty code today Lou: It's Long Nail Delay, My roommate sold my nail clipper to some pervert on Craigslist. Jack: Totally makes sense now.
sounds really dumb but it does slow you down
Someone who goes to Hackathons for the sole purpose of eating awesome food and getting free stuff.
Although he is an excellent programmer, James did not build anything at the Facebook Hackathon, but instead spent his time being a hackafreeloader eating catered food and drinking bottled juice. It was like a mini-vacation for him.
In a every 10 engineers, one of them has contributed to the archives of Rule 34.
Julius: Did you know that in his free time, Deron draws suggestive pictures of the characters of My Little Pony and uploads them to Deviant Art?
Jack: He's the ninth engineer in our startup. Rule 74 man.
Recruiters who hang around Hackathon (coding/product competitions) in hopes of recommending them to a company in which they garner commission or recruit to their own venture.
Matt: See that guy in the corner wearing a business suit and the blue tie.
Zeeshan: Yeah, what about him? He's seems pretty friendly.
Matt: He's a hackathon poacher looking for engineers to join his dating app team, that matches people without visas to people who have them.
Zeeshan: That's sorta brilliant, but probably borderline illegal.
Someone who has been coding since a very early age and is employed at a large company or startup. They are younger than 18, but seem much older given the vast depth of their knowledge.
Julie: That guy Kumar is kind of cute.
George: Woah, I'd stay away from him if I was you, he's 17 and engineer jailbait.
Julie: Good thing you told me. I dodged a serious bullet, but man he's such a tease.
A period of time in which a person or group of people spend their time fracking.
James: Noah is off going off the radar this weekend to join his friends in Houston for a frackathon.
Winston: What a weird guy.
To have to step down from a companies executive board at the complaint of the product's core user base.
James got paod out of his company after continually getting in controversial flame wars with the companies customer base.
A web blogging platform where independent users write out their opinions that get featured in categorized groups called "Medium Collections."
These articles don't adhere to any real journalistic standards, but are nice to read because in many instances they reaffirm your already deeply held beliefs.
I just wrote 3 articles on Medium on how starting a startup is a really difficult but worthwhile journey. It got picked up and shared by 213 Twitter users.
Did Twitter acquire Medium?
@charlesjo I don't think Twitter acquired Medium. I believe this definition needs to be corrected.
@charlesjo Fixed!
Alternate definition: A blogging platform for quitters.
When a Facebook employee reaches a major life milestone and Mark Zuckerberg has acknowledged their existence by liking their Facebook profile picture. This normally happens after their team pushes a major feature onto the Facebook web or mobile client..
I've been working at Facebook as a Product Manager for 3 years and I've finally gotten the Zuckerberg like. I nearly fainted. I'm going to work here until I'm dead.
The widely accepted incorporation structure in Silicon Valley. It allows the most flexibility for entrepreneurs and investors putting their money in newer tech driven companies.
Aref was so disgusted by our Florida LLC incorporation that he decided to pull his money out of our company based on sheer incompetence. I was able to win him over by telling him that Facebook once made the same mistake.
Prorata investment rights give investors the right to invest in a startup’s future fund-raising rounds and maintain their ownership percentage in the company as the company grows and raises more capital.
Erlich kept his Prorata Investment Rights in Grindr allowing him to keep his 10% share as more investors started also investing their money on the application.
To send a picture of your privates to other Twitter users.
Jack started crying after he anthony weinered by accident and tried to delete it in time. 400 of his followers instantly screed captured it and posted it on StupidEngineers.com
The part of the internet you can't access because you aren't a criminal or are looking for things beyond the scope of amazon.com.
I heard James spent an entire week trying to sell fake Dragon eggs to Russian buyers on the undernet, advertising that it was the key to taking over Europe.
Stands for Rich Site Summary. Often called Really Simple Syndication, it uses a family of standard web feed formats to publish frequently updated information: blog entries, news headlines, audio, video.
Paul Graham describes Twitter in 3 words: RSS with trolls.
He has some of the best startup advice http://www.paulgraham.com/articles.html