FuctCo5K (26)


Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley - The place where hundreds of thousands of people work twice as hard and spend twice as much to live as anywhere else from believing the lie that it will make them fabulously wealthy that is fed to them by the hundreds of people that they are making fabulously wealthy.

I live in Silicon Valley, the epicenter of the future.... and who are you?
I left Colorado to get rich in Silicon Valley, but now I can't drive for Uber anymore because I can't afford to fix my car....

Added by freemium freemium almost 9 years ago



    A set of powerpoint slides that visually represent a product or software architecture in such a beautiful way but it really hasn't been built or tested just yet.

    Wow what a great presentation and a real great idea, here is $20M. We hope the product they just presented isn't just Marketecture....ie. Marketing+Architecture

    Added by svchris svchris almost 9 years ago


    Equity Dilution

    Think of a share as a small unit of ownership in a company. When your shares are unprotected their value is dependent on factors outside your control, such as how many other shares are being distributed to other people. Equity dilution is when these factors decimate the value of your ownership.

    Even though Ron was a graduate of the Haas School of Business, he did not know what equity dilution was, so after a year of working at a Stanford student's startup, he lost all the control that he thought he would have.

    Added by HalfLife3 HalfLife3 almost 9 years ago


      To Get Eduardofucked

      Getting your equity diluted, while thinking that no one in the company hates you enough to fuck you over. This happened to a Facebook founder, Eduordo Saverin, by Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker. Goes under Zuckerberging and pretty much why he sued the fuck out of Facebook and Mark later on.

      Let's Eduardofuck a bunch of Stanford MBAs who can do marketing and who don't know how cap tables work. We can promise them dilutable common stock and save a ton of money.

      Added by HalfLife3 HalfLife3 almost 9 years ago


        Only New Friends

        A habit alot of founders make (with exception to the people they work with) to only hang out with new people or acquaintances because their old friends are negative as shit. This is the opposite of the hip hop theme propagated by Drakes "No New Friends," track.

        Steve (at home): Brad never answers my calls anymore. I bet he's having a rough time. I'm going to talk to him for 3 hours next time I see him about how bad his life probably is going to be and try to convince us to join us at Task Rabbit.

        Brad (at bar): Fuck Steve. Only new friends.

        Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago


          Data Scientist

          A statistician who lives in the Bay Area.

          Q: How many Data Scientists does it take to implement a Spark stack?
          A: All of them, since at first they tend to have a Hive mind.

          Added by justpivot justpivot almost 9 years ago


            University of Toronto

            A University in Toronto that does not give a single fuck about its undergraduates, and filled with over-competitive kids who think that success is a zero-sum game.

            Student 1: "Hello, I am your new TA. I will be working 35 hours per week, and be payed below minimum wage."

            Student 2: "I think the University is abusing you"

            University Exec: "GTFO if you are not happy."

            Student 1: "Sigh. I wish I got into Waterloo"

            Student 2: "We all do..."

            Added by freefunctor freefunctor almost 9 years ago