A software engineer in the game industry, generally bigger, earns less and is nerdier than their startup counterparts.
Kilim: I wanna work for Blizzard so I can help build WoW and Diablo
Matthew: Do you really want to be a game developer?
A startup valued at $10 billion or more
Kilim: It sucks that my startup is only a unicorn. Look at Snapchat. They are a decacorn
Spanish for three commas as in 1 billion dollars or $1,000,000,000
After the IPO of his company Matthew is now part of the tres commas club
Smart and entrepreneurial. Usually from a privileged background.
John: Hey you can you look for an office? We will need one soon
Bob: My dad has a house he can lend us. Is that fine?
John: That works.
How people like to describe what a lot of what engineers in silicon valley build. They are sometimes right and sometimes wrong but in either case they are sitting on their asses doing nothing themselves.
Kilim: What the hell is Silicon Valley dictionary. Stop making silly web apps
Matthew: Stop watching tv
A phrase used to indicate the low quality of a product because Apple Maps is barely usable.
Enough said, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVq1wgIN62E
Y Combinator is an early stage seed fund started by Paul Graham in 2005. The combined market cap of Y Combinator companies is currently over $30 billion
John: You should apply for Y Combinator they will give you 120k for 7% of your company and provide great mentorship.
Amit: Great idea. I'm going to apply
A startup that is valued at $1 billion dollars or more
Chris: We need to raise more money so our valuation will rise and so Techcrunch will add us to their startup unicorn list
Highly sophisticated algorithm devised by Pied Piper engineers where one can jerk off 4 dudes at once.
This algorithm inspired Richard to come up with an advanced middle out algorithm.
Dick to floor. D2floor.
ummm, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-hUV9yhqgY enough said...
Outside of Silicon Valley this can mean curing cancer, eliminating Malaria and solving world hunger but within SV it means a bigger iPhone, an iPhone the size of a tablet, an iPhone strapped to your wrist or Yo (http://techcrunch.com/2014/06/18/yo-yo/)
A synonym of "This changes everything" and "This changes everything. Again"
Founder of Silicon Valley Dictionary: I am so glad to be working on products that are changing the world everyday
A synonym of "Sit at home eating chips while watching TV"
Chris: Hey boss. Can I work from home on Tuesday?
Boss: Let me know if last weeks episode is worth watching
Like a regular dick but smaller and tucked behind the ear. Used by Dinesh on Silicon Valley to describe Pied Piper's logo
Added by
How somebody without any real skills describes themselves. The phrase itself is self explanatory.
Matthew: tell us why we should hire you
Kilim: I am a thought leader in the area of SAAS
Matthew: what does that even mean
Kilim: I am a thought leader
4 contractors working evenings
Pizza for 4 full time engineers
"Yes, you can -definitely- expense dinner."
An engineer that graduated from UC Berkeley, pretty nerdy, not interested in starting their own company
Travis: Hey I have an idea for a new taxi service, do you want to join as a cofounder?
Kilim: No I think I want to work for google. It's very prestigious.
@davidheming3 I agree. I actually went to Berkeley and I think we are doing well in entrepreneurship but we are still behind Stanford, especially with companies that have started recently. Also this was tongue in cheek and just something I observed in some friends.
You mean to say that Berkeley engineers and non-engineering alums founding Intel, Apple, Myspace, Sandisk, Sun Microsystems to name a few is not entrepreneurial enough? UC Berkeley is #2 or #3 when it comes to undergraduates pumping out entrepreneurs, not too far behind Stanford.
To renter the 3 comma club. Made popular by Russ Hanneman on Silicon Valley.
Russ: Due to some bad investments I joined the 2 comma club but Pied Piper will help me rebillionize shortly
When you combine poor college students, too lazy to do laundry with free startup branded t-shirts you get the greatest growth hack in Silicon Valley. It's a win win for everybody.
Chris: You realize by wearing that Dropbox t-shirt you are providing free advertising for them right?
Kilim: I have nothing else to wear though.
Sometimes startup founders or executives will use this as their title to appear humble but it ends up being super obnoxious.
Matthew: why are you listed as janitor on LinkedIn aren't you the CEO?
Kilim: Oh I just wanted people to ask me about it so I can tell them my real position.
Everyday objects that are connected to the internet so they can transfer and receive data from other objects
I can now send recipes to my oven and have it cook meals for me automatically. Thank god for internet of things.
I hate that Yelp defaults to Apple Maps. It's terrible