pygmyknight (77)


Game Developer

A software engineer in the game industry, generally bigger, earns less and is nerdier than their startup counterparts.

Kilim: I wanna work for Blizzard so I can help build WoW and Diablo
Matthew: Do you really want to be a game developer?

Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago



    A startup valued at $10 billion or more

    Kilim: It sucks that my startup is only a unicorn. Look at Snapchat. They are a decacorn

    Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago



      Cryptocurrency featuring the Shiba Inu dog on a golden coin as its logo.


      Added by svhunt svhunt over 9 years ago


        Tres Commas

        Spanish for three commas as in 1 billion dollars or $1,000,000,000

        After the IPO of his company Matthew is now part of the tres commas club

        Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


          Stanford engineer

          Smart and entrepreneurial. Usually from a privileged background.

          John: Hey you can you look for an office? We will need one soon
          Bob: My dad has a house he can lend us. Is that fine?
          John: That works.

          Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


            Silly Web App

            How people like to describe what a lot of what engineers in silicon valley build. They are sometimes right and sometimes wrong but in either case they are sitting on their asses doing nothing themselves.

            Kilim: What the hell is Silicon Valley dictionary. Stop making silly web apps
            Matthew: Stop watching tv

            Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


              Apple Maps Bad?!

              A phrase used to indicate the low quality of a product because Apple Maps is barely usable.

              Enough said,

              Added by svhunt svhunt over 9 years ago

              • zazpowered zazpowered

                I hate that Yelp defaults to Apple Maps. It's terrible

                over 9 years ago

              Y Combinator

              Y Combinator is an early stage seed fund started by Paul Graham in 2005. The combined market cap of Y Combinator companies is currently over $30 billion

              John: You should apply for Y Combinator they will give you 120k for 7% of your company and provide great mentorship.
              Amit: Great idea. I'm going to apply

              Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago



                A startup that is valued at $1 billion dollars or more

                Chris: We need to raise more money so our valuation will rise and so Techcrunch will add us to their startup unicorn list

                Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                  Dick Jerk Algorithm

                  Highly sophisticated algorithm devised by Pied Piper engineers where one can jerk off 4 dudes at once.
                  This algorithm inspired Richard to come up with an advanced middle out algorithm.
                  Dick to floor. D2floor.

                  ummm, enough said...

                  Added by svhunt svhunt over 9 years ago


                    Changing the world

                    Outside of Silicon Valley this can mean curing cancer, eliminating Malaria and solving world hunger but within SV it means a bigger iPhone, an iPhone the size of a tablet, an iPhone strapped to your wrist or Yo (

                    A synonym of "This changes everything" and "This changes everything. Again"

                    Founder of Silicon Valley Dictionary: I am so glad to be working on products that are changing the world everyday

                    Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                      Work From Home

                      A synonym of "Sit at home eating chips while watching TV"

                      Chris: Hey boss. Can I work from home on Tuesday?
                      Boss: Let me know if last weeks episode is worth watching

                      Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                        Snack Dick

                        Like a regular dick but smaller and tucked behind the ear. Used by Dinesh on Silicon Valley to describe Pied Piper's logo


                        Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                          Thought Leader

                          How somebody without any real skills describes themselves. The phrase itself is self explanatory.

                          Matthew: tell us why we should hire you
                          Kilim: I am a thought leader in the area of SAAS
                          Matthew: what does that even mean
                          Kilim: I am a thought leader

                          Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                            Startup Dinner

                            4 contractors working evenings

                            Pizza for 4 full time engineers

                            "Yes, you can -definitely- expense dinner."

                            Added by employeeNumbaOne employeeNumbaOne over 9 years ago


                              Berkeley Engineer

                              An engineer that graduated from UC Berkeley, pretty nerdy, not interested in starting their own company

                              Travis: Hey I have an idea for a new taxi service, do you want to join as a cofounder?
                              Kilim: No I think I want to work for google. It's very prestigious.

                              Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago

                              • zazpowered zazpowered

                                @davidheming3 I agree. I actually went to Berkeley and I think we are doing well in entrepreneurship but we are still behind Stanford, especially with companies that have started recently. Also this was tongue in cheek and just something I observed in some friends.

                                over 9 years ago
                              • davidheming3 davidheming3

                                You mean to say that Berkeley engineers and non-engineering alums founding Intel, Apple, Myspace, Sandisk, Sun Microsystems to name a few is not entrepreneurial enough? UC Berkeley is #2 or #3 when it comes to undergraduates pumping out entrepreneurs, not too far behind Stanford.

                                over 9 years ago


                              To renter the 3 comma club. Made popular by Russ Hanneman on Silicon Valley.

                              Russ: Due to some bad investments I joined the 2 comma club but Pied Piper will help me rebillionize shortly

                              Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                                Startup T-shirts

                                When you combine poor college students, too lazy to do laundry with free startup branded t-shirts you get the greatest growth hack in Silicon Valley. It's a win win for everybody.

                                Chris: You realize by wearing that Dropbox t-shirt you are providing free advertising for them right?
                                Kilim: I have nothing else to wear though.

                                Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                                  Janitor at startup

                                  Sometimes startup founders or executives will use this as their title to appear humble but it ends up being super obnoxious.

                                  Matthew: why are you listed as janitor on LinkedIn aren't you the CEO?
                                  Kilim: Oh I just wanted people to ask me about it so I can tell them my real position.

                                  Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                                    Internet of Things

                                    Everyday objects that are connected to the internet so they can transfer and receive data from other objects

                                    I can now send recipes to my oven and have it cook meals for me automatically. Thank god for internet of things.

                                    Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago