zazpowered (901)


Hype Parasite App

When an app developer sees an app getting a ton of downloads and attention on the App Store and decides to make a copy cat version of the app to ride on the hype train.

Flappy Bird apps, 2048 apps, Pokemon GO tracker apps

Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 8 years ago



    1. Rap artist

    1. to beg billionaires for money


    Jeb Bush really kanyed ahead of the SC primary.

    Added by zazpowered zazpowered about 9 years ago


      Dark Pattern

      A Dark Pattern is a user interface that has been carefully crafted to trick users into doing things, such as buying insurance with their purchase or signing up for recurring bills.

      Added by zazpowered zazpowered about 9 years ago


        Startup Founder

        Something you put in your Twitter bio or Linkedin profile when you are starting a stealth company and cannot announce your company to the public but also don't want to miss out on an opportunity to tell other people that you are entrepreneur. The alternative being waiting for your company to be launched before putting it on your Twitter or Linkedin profile

        Startup founder. Working on a Bitcoin startup

        Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


          Starbucks Office

          When a scrappy startup founder brings his monitors and laptop to Starbucks to set up a coffee shop office. Often done when the home office has become too mundane and a change of scenery is needed.

          Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago



            Made famous by Steve Job's and Steve Wozniak's founding of Apple in a modest garage in Los Altos. Now a term used by startup founders to appear frugal to investors or to express "started from the bottom now we here" sentiments

            "We are a billionaire dollar company now but do you remember those days when we worked out of a garage?"

            Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago



              Someone who works at an Apple Genius Bar to fix and teach you how to use your Macbooks and iPhones

              Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


              Code Gay

              When a developer is attracted to another developer's code. Made popular by Silicon Valley


              Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago



                Platform as a Service. Provides a platform for developers to deploy and manage web applications without them having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

                Heroku is a popular PaaS

                Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago

                • charlesjo charlesjo

                  Paas could be the Easter egg coloring Platform as a Service.

                  over 9 years ago
                • passionate passionate

                  it should be > Platform as a Service. Provides a platform for developers to deploy and manage web applications without them having to worry about the underlying infrastructure, but the platform.

                  over 9 years ago


                Monthly active users. Number of unique users of an app during a month or 30 day period

                Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                  Y Combinator Fellowship

                  A lighter weight YC program that grants $12,000 with no equity taken. The program last for 8 weeks and is part of YC's goal to help a greater number of startups.

                  Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                  Yahoo Purple

                  The signal of a bad and usually old fashioned product. If the product seems innovative and actually useful you will quickly find out that it is like a typical Yahoo app (sucks/requires a Yahoo account) and there are other apps that do the same thing but better. The only exception is Yahoo Fantasy Sports


                  Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                    Terms Were Not Disclosed

                    Usually refers to an acquihire or an acquisition in which the price was not big enough to be impressive.

                    Google has acquired Yo. The terms were not disclosed.

                    Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                    Postmates Trifecta

                    When you use Postmates for breakfast, lunch and dinner on the same day

                    I love innovation in Silicon Valley. I just completed a Postmates trifecta which allowed me to stay at home and play Counter Strike all day.

                    Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                      Product Hunt

                      An app well known by tech people in Silicon Valley as a way to discover new startups and apps


                      Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                      Network Effect

                      The effect that a user of a product has to the value of the product to other users. In startups this commonly refers to the additional value that each customer will gain with each additional customer that the startup acquires.

                      I didn't really want to use Snapchat but all of my friends use it to communicate with each other so I almost had to.

                      Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago



                        Content that is sensationalist to attract clicks and page views for ad revenue. It is commonly employed by sites such as Buzzfeed and Upworthy.

                        This is MOST amazing thing you will see all year! Must see!!

                        Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                          College Dropout

                          Somebody who tries to follow in the footsteps of Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates but will most likely end up working drive-thu at Mcdonald's

                          Tim: "I'm about to drop out and start a company like Bill Gates; this is going to be amazing."
                          Jim: "Gates dropped out of Harvard and had good plans for what he wanted to do. You're dropping out of community college because you hate school. I don't think it's going to work out."

                          Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago



                            CTR which stands for click through rate is the ratio between clicks and impressions. It is a commonly used term in online advertising and email campaigns as a way to measure effectiveness.

                            Dan placed a small banner ad on his website that received 5 clicks in 100 page views for a CTR of 5%. After making the banner ad full screen his CTR increased to 100% but nobody returned to the site.

                            Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                            A/B Testing

                            A/B testing is when you test two variants of something A and B to determine which one maximizes the outcome you want. It is commonly used in web design.

                            After doing some A/B testing, Buzzfeed determined that the headline "You'll never believe what happened next" had a 50% higher click through rate than the headline "The cat ran across the lawn" so that's what they used.

                            Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago