Computer so obsolete, It no longer Serves a purpose (i.e. Apple III's)
"Whoa! That's a boat anchor."
Actually the Apple III is a collector's item and sells for hundreds of dollars. The boat anchor you're looking for is the 286 PC.
I think you get it a little wrong. 'Apple-III' is a COLLECTOR'S item/VINTAGE & hence it is not used generally or it does not serves the purpose in present time. So both Apple-III and 286 PC are Boat Anchors. :)
Actually the Apple III is a collector's item and sells for hundreds of dollars. The boat anchor you're looking for is the 286 PC.
I think you get it a little wrong. 'Apple-III' is a COLLECTOR'S item/VINTAGE & hence it is not used generally or it does not serves the purpose in present time. So both Apple-III and 286 PC are Boat Anchors. :)