Systems Design


Biggest joke of University of Waterloo. This is a program offered at University of Waterloo where students go to lose knowledge they already have. People in this program are believed to be so stupid that they spell SIDE as SYDE.

Person 1: Man, I am so depressed. I don't think I can go on
Person 2: Hey dude don't give up atleast you are not in Systems Design
Person 1: But I just got accepted in Systems Design
Person 2: Yeah, you should kill yourself

Person 1: Hey why is it so bright out-syde ? ( This person 1 is in Systems Design that is why he spells side as syde. What an idiot !!)
Person 2: Because people in-side are dumb

Added by fuckSystems fuckSystems about 9 years ago

  • zazpowered zazpowered

    Is this a commonly held belief?

    about 9 years ago
  • fuckSystems fuckSystems

    @zazpowered yep

    about 9 years ago
  • freefunctor freefunctor

    @zazpowered No this isn't. There is no "joke major" at Waterloo engineering/maths. SYDE is a perfectly fine program that has produced a lot of very fine engineers/entrepreneurs. OP's hate is rather bizarre.

    about 9 years ago