TV Show Lingo Definitions


Apple Maps Bad?!

A phrase used to indicate the low quality of a product because Apple Maps is barely usable.

Enough said,

Added by svhunt svhunt almost 9 years ago

  • zazpowered zazpowered

    I hate that Yelp defaults to Apple Maps. It's terrible

    almost 9 years ago

This Guy Fucks

Made popular by Russ Hanneman on the Silicon Valley show. It is just something to say when you want to mess with somebody. Meaningless. Could also mean this guy has a lot of sex but its impossible to tell.

Added by zazpowered zazpowered almost 9 years ago


    Tres Commas

    Spanish for three commas as in 1 billion dollars or $1,000,000,000

    After the IPO of his company Matthew is now part of the tres commas club

    Added by zazpowered zazpowered almost 9 years ago