yungsnuggie (1281)



Programming and working at a slower pace to purposely get more food out of the company.

Jordan didn't feel like cooking dinner so he started gluttonygramming to force the company employee policy of paying a 15$ credit for engineer's dinner who works until after 7.

Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


    Palo Alto

    Spanish for "tall tree." English for "overly priced land."

    The worst part about having to move to California and begin our new software company is living in Palo Alto. I'm working out of and living in a small house I have to split with 6 other guys and we're still paying a fortune!

    Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago

    • charlesjo charlesjo

      There's a joke: Palo Alto is a 2 exit town. It takes 2 successful venture exits to afford to live there.

      over 9 years ago

    Add Me on Google Plus

    A commonly used expression used during the first two weeks of the product's release.

    I just got my invite, add me on Google Plus. This is going to destroy facebook

    Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago



      A blackbox term used in television and film that allows "hackers" instantly make pixilated photos clear. When someone yells enhance, it's normally out of mockery toward said phenomenon and wish that such a thing actually existed.

      Jim: I just took this faraway picture of Miley Cyrus on stage.
      Lewis: Zoom in and enhance!

      Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


        The Algorithm Exit

        Ending an argument or justifying an explanation by claiming one's algorithm is superior without any sort of justification of said algorithm. Often used in Hollywood produced films.

        After getting in a 2 hour argument on whose product was better, Jeremy screamed that his algorithm was superior making an algorithm exit, shutting the door behind him.

        Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago



          A programmer who is obsessed with basketball and doesn't fully identify as a brogrammer. To ballgramers, ball (outside the office) is life.

          Jalen is such a ballgrammer, he dunked during pickup yesterday and skipped work today to go to the Warriors parade.

          Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


            Engineer Hot Girl Syndrome

            When a non-technical founder starts treating really good engineers like attractive girls, asking them out to dinner, buying them gifts arbitrarily, and sometimes getting nervous in their presence.

            Zeeshan's friend Vishnu is such a good programmer I get engineer hot girl syndrome in his presence. I want him on our team so badly.

            Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


              The Shell Dilemma

              When your startup reaches the point where you only have engineers on your team, all of which become a hollow unexciting shell of themselves in the board room. This is when you end up having to compromise and add your first non-technical founder because he is an incredible orator and can represent the product you built better than anyone on your team can.

              On the Silicon Valley TV show, Richard faces the shell dilemma when he finds he cannot pitch his idea without sweating profusely and messing up. He seeks help from his friend Erlich Bachman afterward to save him.

              Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                Code Masochist

                A person pursuing a CS degree from a university who finds everything way to easy for his own good, so to challenge himself (or herself) he or she purposely does the projects on the last day so they can feel a comparable amount of pressure to the other students who've sometimes had up to a month to finish. (Can also apply to software engineering employees who do their work irrationally close to the deadline).

                Hai was such a code masochist that he decided to do his upper div cs projects 12 hours before it was due. The professor assigned it 4 weeks ago.

                Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                  Code Ninja

                  A euphemism that is used by Bay Area recruiters who don't actually know what in specific they want in a Software Engineer, just someone who can pretty much do everything and anything that's handed to them.

                  We're looking to recruit the best Code Ninjas possible for our startup of 4 currently employed non-technical founders. Free pizza will be provided on Wednesdays.

                  Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago

                  • charlesjo charlesjo

                    Also used oddly and inappropriately by non-Asians as term of endearment to their Asian-American friends.

                    over 9 years ago

                  Thiel Fellow

                  A student under the age of 20 handpicked by Peter Thiel to drop out of college and start a company.

                  I dropped out of MIT because Peter Thiel just gave me a $100,000 to realize my dream of creating a social network for dogs.

                  Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                    For Profit Do Good

                    A company that works to raise money for charitable causes, but is also a business that produces revenue. This is not incorporated as a Non-Profit organization.


                    Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                      Simply Scheming

                      Trying to impress a future employer by referencing knowledge in Lisp (a programming language with a horrendous amount of parenthesis) that is mostly only taught at MIT and UC Berkeley. Simply Scheme is also the title to a textbook written by Brian Harvey (MIT alum and tenured Berkeley professor).

                      Fred simply schemed his way out of the first round interviews making his interviewer feel incompetent by his lack of knowledge in Lisp.

                      Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago

                      • freefunctor freefunctor

                        This is taught heavily at Waterloo as well (although there is a fair bit of Haskell as well). Elegant weapons, for a more civilized world.

                        about 9 years ago

                      Oski Eyes

                      When an engineering student (primarily UC Berkeley students) tries to talk to a girl but ends up frowning and giving her an awkward vibe because he is too scared to say anything. This is mostly done out of innocence and fear.

                      Cindy was really interested in meeting my friend Brian, but since she was the first girl he'd talked to in months he ended up giving her Oski eyes and scaring her off. She's over there talking to that Haashole Brad now.

                      Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                        Tinder Binge

                        When a person spends immense amount of time swiping right, in an attempt to get any match available regardless of attraction.

                        Ever since I've broken up with Mary, I've been on a Tinder binge trying to find someone...anyone.

                        Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago



                          A mobile app that lets you share intimate pictures with the people you just met at the bar instantly. It also lets you share temporary moments of your life that are not cool enough or sometimes too embarrassing to share on Facebook or Twitter.

                          I just add everyone I meet on Snapchat and send them pictures of the cat I found on my street.

                          Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                            My Code is Compiling

                            An excuse engineers use to do whatever the hell they want in the workplace.

                            Jimmy: Dude why are you riding your bike indoors, listening to Daft Punk with the speakers blasted, without any pants on?
                            Lewis: My code is compiling.

                            Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago



                              The company Bill Gates and Paul Allen started while stealing undocumented IP from Apple and Xerox.

                              Steve: You STOLE MY COMPUTER.
                              Bill: You stole from Xerox. I stole from a thief.

                              Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                                Oculus Rift

                                A virtual reality helmet with the capability of letting engineers experience a girlfriend or boyfriend without actually having to leave their home to find one. It was purchased by Facebook who immediately saw the device's potential.

                                I've been building this awesome simulator that lets you go on a picnic with anime characters on Oculus Rift.

                                Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                                  Stealth Gaming Club

                                  A college or highschool club that claims to be a place for computer science enthusiasts, but really is there to just play video games all day with the equipment they buy with the money they get allocated.

                                  I've heard rumors that Computer Science Undergrad club at our school is just a stealth gaming club that gathers on the weekdays between class just to play LoL all day.

                                  Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago