charlesjo (42)



Acronym for Get Stuff Done. Prior to this term, nothing was getting done.

OH: I admire people who focus and GSD.

Added by charlesjo charlesjo about 9 years ago


    Product/market fit

    Conversation starter.

    Added by charlesjo charlesjo about 9 years ago



      Google's parking lot during commute hours.

      Added by charlesjo charlesjo about 9 years ago


        Moving you to Bcc

        Translates to "Thank you."

        Charles: Terrence, JD is an angel investor in Silicon Valley. Really into diversity in startups and knows his stuff.

        Terrence: Charles, moving you to Bcc.

        Added by charlesjo charlesjo about 9 years ago


        Roko's Basilisk

        Super AI of future which will torture the avatars of those who did not help its existence.

        And this ultimate Kickstarter campaign

        ht @webhat
        The ultimate @kickstarter campaign! Donate to Singularity or else face consequences :)

        Added by charlesjo charlesjo over 9 years ago




          Diversity. Hell yeah. Our programmers are either directly from or descendants of wide range countries all across the globe: England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Germany, Poland, Russia, India, China, Japan, Korea.

          Added by charlesjo charlesjo over 9 years ago


            Great America

            The Disneyland of Silicon Valley.

            Added by charlesjo charlesjo over 9 years ago


              Fry's Electronics

              If Costco tried to create the Apple Store...

              Fry's Electronics is less dangerous than Game Stop but creepier than to Best Buy.

              Added by charlesjo charlesjo over 9 years ago



                The third magical tool in the Silicon Valley (more San Francisco) designer tool box.

                A total poser. He had a MBP and iPhone. Even a decent tat. But he didn't have a Moleskine. That's what gave it away that he wasn't a real serious UX Designer.

                Added by charlesjo charlesjo over 9 years ago



                Twitter is an online microblog social network for venture capitalists and founders to help each other use iPhones and accessorize so they can report sport scores in real-time, review movies, and advise startups.

                Sometimes referred to as “Tinder for Bromance.”

                Leading by example for keeping burn rates low, Andreesen Horowitz appears to be running it's entire firm on Twitter as office communication and as a productivity tool. Many economists use the platform to argue about unprovable economic theories. Twitter is also an affiliate marketing teaser platform for New York Times and Wall Street Journal.


                Added by charlesjo charlesjo over 9 years ago


                  Trader Joe's

                  My other grocery store is Whole Foods.

                  Added by charlesjo charlesjo over 9 years ago


                    MBP (aka MacBook Pro)

                    High end backup battery charger for iPhone. Also can be used to browse web super-fast. Insurance for those who may one day need to render and edit their blockbuster film although likely, Apple will have introduced a much better machine by then.


                    Added by charlesjo charlesjo over 9 years ago


                      Cal (aka Berkeley, aka Not-Stanford)

                      Harvard: Stanford of East Coast.

                      Stanford: For students who could not get into Cal.

                      Cal: Letting Stanford dropouts and graduates pursue all the billion dollar ideas because it was never about the money.


                      Cal: Yeah, you have rich parents.

                      Stanford: At least we got in.

                      Added by charlesjo charlesjo over 9 years ago


                        Apple Store

                        The world famous religious center where a simple walk through will clear your mind and spirit and make you realize that there is a God.

                        Added by charlesjo charlesjo over 9 years ago



                          Who isn't?

                          Added by charlesjo charlesjo over 9 years ago