chipchop (0)



CTR which stands for click through rate is the ratio between clicks and impressions. It is a commonly used term in online advertising and email campaigns as a way to measure effectiveness.

Dan placed a small banner ad on his website that received 5 clicks in 100 page views for a CTR of 5%. After making the banner ad full screen his CTR increased to 100% but nobody returned to the site.

Added by zazpowered zazpowered almost 9 years ago



Rickrolling is a form of bait and switch that involves using a link that seems relevant but really links to the music video for Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up"

Woah look at this cute cat

Added by zazpowered zazpowered almost 9 years ago


CS Fix My Shit Fallacy

The false assumption that anyone who can code or has a computer science degree can fix your computer or any household electronics.

Marco: Hey you study Computerz at that fancy university don' you? Could you fix my toaster?

Julian: Hell no. Why would I know how to do something like that.

Marco: Because computerz are basically more advance toasterz.

Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 8 years ago


    Code Grinder

    A suit-wearing, cubicle inhabiting minion who is one of thousands of identical minions hired to write banking systems or payroll packages in RPG and other unspeakable horrors. See BFI operator.

    Dave: Hey, my friend Tom over in Seattle said he's been working 6 years on the same reporting module but never seen the whole project.
    Larry: Let's take a minute's silence for all the code grinders out there.
    (brief 5-second pause)
    Larry: Ok, enough of that, let's get to the boardroom - they've got macarons from Tout Sweet.

    Added by doctorgee doctorgee almost 9 years ago



      WFIO, pronounced whiff-eee-o, is an acronym which stands for "We're Fucked; It's Over." Used to describe that horrible moment when an individual is certain their startup is dead. A typical entrepreneur will experience three of these per week.

      Board of Directors: How was revenue this quarter?

      CEO: WFIO

      Added by hunterlane hunterlane almost 9 years ago


        The Social Network Effect

        This can reference the effect in which an online community gives life and growth to a software application.

        It can also give reference to the hypothesized phenomenon that software startup incorporation increased in correlation to the film "The Social Network."

        This was one of the first films where hacker culture as we know it was displayed in commercial theaters for the world to observe in a highly dramatic way and perhaps inspired people to try to soar before they could walk.

        I've observed the social network effect in Orange County in that everyone I seem to meet wants to do a software startup, but none of them want to learn how build a business or learn how to talk to software engineers without sounding stupid.

        Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago


          To Backdoor

          Backdooring someone is purposely leaving a security vulnerability in the form of code that's sometimes purposely put in by the programmer. This is done to later have the ability to sabotage the company/person they are building it for, usually in case he or she gets screwed over by them somehow or are just bored.

          Just to be a complete dick, Jack backdoored his brother in law's resume website, when building it for him to purposely make pictures of cats pop up whenever a user clicks anywhere. On thursdays he changes it from cats to pandas.

          Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago



            Short for "Long On Promises, Short On Delivery".
            A product with a lot of hype and not living to its created expectations upon shipment.

            "They're too LOPSOD."

            Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper almost 9 years ago


              Tinder Bait and Switch Advertising

              An almost laughable form of advertising in which a person or company pretends to be an attractive girl or guy on Tinder. After getting alot of matches, they'll send links to the person they matched with usually after the other person has worked up the courage to hit on them and ask them out.

              George: Damn girl you're so damn fine. I wanna take you in my Prius and drive you up and down the Bay Bridge.
              Bait and Switcher: I like you too George.
              George: Fuck Tinder is awesome, I want to meetup Julie.
              Bait and Switcher: You should check out my site. I sell protien powder that makes you have big gainz
              George: Uh...

              Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago


                College Dropout

                Somebody who tries to follow in the footsteps of Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates but will most likely end up working drive-thu at Mcdonald's

                Tim: "I'm about to drop out and start a company like Bill Gates; this is going to be amazing."
                Jim: "Gates dropped out of Harvard and had good plans for what he wanted to do. You're dropping out of community college because you hate school. I don't think it's going to work out."

                Added by zazpowered zazpowered almost 9 years ago



                  Content that is sensationalist to attract clicks and page views for ad revenue. It is commonly employed by sites such as Buzzfeed and Upworthy.

                  This is MOST amazing thing you will see all year! Must see!!

                  Added by zazpowered zazpowered almost 9 years ago


                    BFI Operator

                    Brute Force and Ignorance. A BFI operator is someone (usually in a corporate software development environment) who uses set policies and methodologies fanatically while studiously avoiding any rational thought. BFI operators do not last long in the Valley.

                    Dave: Did you see how Tom re-instantiates the same class each time he uses it, rather than referencing it? A total BFI operator!
                    Larry: That's how he used to do it at Redmond.
                    Steve: What's he doing in the Valley?

                    Added by doctorgee doctorgee almost 9 years ago


                      The Does It Exist Check

                      The process after one comes up with a startup idea in which a person vehemently searches Google and the iOS app store to see if their idea exists some way, shape, or form.

                      Steve: I came up with 10 startup ideas today.
                      Zeeshan: Did they pass the "Does it Exist Check?"
                      Steve: Only one did.
                      Zeeshan: What is it?
                      Steve: A social network in which one can allow their pets to interact with each other online
                      Zeeshan: So you mean a Facebook for cats and dogs?
                      Steve: Birds and fish too.

                      Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago



                      Supporting a cause in the laziest way possible, usually on social media. You feel like you're helping without getting out of your chair.

                      "I see in my feed you retweeted every single ice bucket challenge video. You should get an award for your slacktivism."

                      Added by healthdatatom healthdatatom almost 9 years ago

                      • yungsnuggie yungsnuggie

                        this one's great

                        almost 9 years ago
                      • charlesjo charlesjo

                        Thought this could be on Slack which would make audience even smaller. "I've done my part in the movement since I discussed it in my private Slack group."

                        almost 9 years ago

                      Going Incognito

                      Going off the map for a period of time to peruse places in an unrecognizable fashion. This is normally done to satiate a curiosity of yours that you are to ashamed for even a single friend to be aware of.

                      This originates from the incognito tab on most internet browsers. Going incognito prevents any cookies or search engine history from being saved.

                      Matt: Where the hell is Joey?
                      Zeeshan: On my Facebook timeline, I think I saw him like and then unlike the status of this peculiar store in Mission. I bet he's going incognito for a couple of days.

                      Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago


                        Digital Wallet Startups

                        Startups that pitch never having to carry a wallet again. It's a brilliant pitch, so brilliant in fact that there are probably about 20 of them that have raised funding. Sometimes one may wonder if these investors had heard of the other dozen startups doing the exact same thing.

                        Jack decided to start digital wallet company after forgetting his wallet in his apartment, and having a huge caffeine headache. He came to his sense after Googling in and realizing there were already enough companies trying to do it, including Google itself.

                        Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago



                          Fired or laid off.

                          "Jeff was here last week, but he was uninstalled on Monday."

                          Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper almost 9 years ago

                          • charlesjo charlesjo

                            Alternative usage is to show the world what great taste you have about apps. "I had to uninstall Yahoo Weather. Graphics overdone."

                            almost 9 years ago

                          Valley Anxiety

                          The constant need for tech industry employees to keep interviewing (and often switching jobs). Just because everyone else around are switching, or starting their own companies, people in valley keep on interviewing to chase their "passion". Thanks for the inundation of requests from LinkedIn recruiters!

                          "Did you hear Sam joined Hooli! I heard he had competing offers from Pied Piper and Aviato also!"
                          "Didn't he start working with Endframe only last year?"
                          "Valley Anxiety man!!"

                          Added by ankur ankur almost 9 years ago


                          Wikipedia Kid

                          That co-worker who doesn’t really know the job, but pretends to by just slapping together everyone else’s contributions.

                          Illustration of a Wikipedia Kid (from “The IT Crowd”):
                          Mr Reynholm (the big boss): Jen, did I just see you googling “IT manager”?
                          Jen (the IT manager): Um…

                          Added by doctorgee doctorgee almost 9 years ago


                            Lemming Clicker

                            Someone who will click on any link they are sent, often happily entering their banking passwords as well.

                            Dave: So how do we leverage our mailing database to drive adoption?
                            Larry: We could email them an invitation link.
                            Steve: That will get the lemming clickers, but the majority won't click through.

                            Added by doctorgee doctorgee almost 9 years ago