Supporting a cause in the laziest way possible, usually on social media. You feel like you're helping without getting out of your chair.
"I see in my feed you retweeted every single ice bucket challenge video. You should get an award for your slacktivism."
Added byModifying a free site or service to make money, usually after building a user base.
"Hey, our users love the cat pictures. Now that we have them hooked, let's talk monetization."
"Great, how about we insert a bunch of annoying pop-up video ads?"
A technology that's so new, you can count on it to be unreliable and troublesome (derived from the term "leading edge").
"Did our database crash again?"
"Yeah, this new big data graph mapping software is totally bleeding edge."
this one's great
Thought this could be on Slack which would make audience even smaller. "I've done my part in the movement since I discussed it in my private Slack group."