iamDeveloper (58)



Anyone who use personal computers only for writing, just like a typewriter machine.

"Do you think he can upload these on the website?"
"Nah, he's just a worder!"

Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago



    Fired or laid off.

    "Jeff was here last week, but he was uninstalled on Monday."

    Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago

    • charlesjo charlesjo

      Alternative usage is to show the world what great taste you have about apps. "I had to uninstall Yahoo Weather. Graphics overdone."

      about 9 years ago


    "Waste of Money Brains and Time" is suitable to describe a person, product or project.

    "He's such a WOMBAT!"

    Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago


      Ten Dollar Solution

      Anything that works infinitely better than that "new thing" and the superior technology is at least 30 years old.

      Trying to follow a ballgame on a Real Audio plugin vs. a ten dollar transistor radio.

      Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago


        TLA Departments

        Short for "Three Letter Acronym": A department of a company that does not have any apparent function at all.
        Groups like this are usually created by trendy management fads.

        Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago



          Short for "Long On Promises, Short On Delivery".
          A product with a lot of hype and not living to its created expectations upon shipment.

          "They're too LOPSOD."

          Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago



            A piece of hardware that doesn’t function anymore because it was tampered with.
            You seriously messed up that upgrade, and now your entire device has been rendered useless.

            "I tried to install the most recent version of Windows on my old Mac, but it totally bricked the whole computer."

            Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago



              When companies use their own products, often in beta, to test and work out any bugs.
              Dogfooding often results in companies catching glitches in their apps before they're released to the public.

              "They really should have dogfooded that app before they released it — there were so many bugs!"

              Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago


                Digital Detox

                Taking a few days away from email, social media, and anything else that involves a glowing screen.
                Practicing major restraint — no Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. for an entire weekend, or any other length of time.

                "Don't worry if you don't hear from me this weekend — I'm doing a digital detox, so I won't see your message until Monday."

                Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago


                  Boat Anchor

                  Computer so obsolete, It no longer Serves a purpose (i.e. Apple III's)

                  "Whoa! That's a boat anchor."

                  Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago

                  • healthdatatom healthdatatom

                    Actually the Apple III is a collector's item and sells for hundreds of dollars. The boat anchor you're looking for is the 286 PC.

                    about 9 years ago
                  • iamDeveloper iamDeveloper

                    I think you get it a little wrong. 'Apple-III' is a COLLECTOR'S item/VINTAGE & hence it is not used generally or it does not serves the purpose in present time. So both Apple-III and 286 PC are Boat Anchors. :)

                    about 9 years ago


                  Broken As Designed: A product fails to perform as expected, because the company making it intentionally did it that way (either from misunderstanding, or on purpose)

                  Windows 95's auto-redial being limited to 100 redials.

                  Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago


                    Email Bankruptcy

                    When an inbox has thousands of unread emails, and the best solution is to just mass-delete rather than spending days combing through them.
                    If you really tried to read and respond to all of those messages, it might be a very long time before you interacted with another human IRL again.

                    "My inbox is so overwhelming, I'm declaring email bankruptcy. I'm deleting everything sent before September!"

                    Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago