Similar to Freshman 15 except this weight gain is caused by alcohol and catered meals that your startup offers you.
John: My startup needs to stop feeding me. I already have Startup 15 but luckily there's a gym at work.
When a Facebook employee reaches a major life milestone and Mark Zuckerberg has acknowledged their existence by liking their Facebook profile picture. This normally happens after their team pushes a major feature onto the Facebook web or mobile client..
I've been working at Facebook as a Product Manager for 3 years and I've finally gotten the Zuckerberg like. I nearly fainted. I'm going to work here until I'm dead.
Broken As Designed: A product fails to perform as expected, because the company making it intentionally did it that way (either from misunderstanding, or on purpose)
Windows 95's auto-redial being limited to 100 redials.
Computer so obsolete, It no longer Serves a purpose (i.e. Apple III's)
"Whoa! That's a boat anchor."
I think you get it a little wrong. 'Apple-III' is a COLLECTOR'S item/VINTAGE & hence it is not used generally or it does not serves the purpose in present time. So both Apple-III and 286 PC are Boat Anchors. :)
HT stands for hat tip or heard through and is a way to credit somebody for helping you discover something. It is commonly used on Twitter.
Woah is an awesome site. HT @matthew
Refers to the $1 a year salary that a lot of founders and top executives take on for tax benefits. It's also because who really cares about salary when you have a billion dollars.
Mark Zuckerberg: I make $1 a year. You know what that means
Some sad-sack SME client who agrees to QA your shitty, half-built, poorly-coded, likely useless, new product or functionality.
See also: Pivot
"So you're telling me... you want to dabble outside your core business without any clear plan nor the requisite skills and use my firm as your free QA Beta-Pig? No goddamn way. Oh you won't charge us? Why didn't you say so? I'll pull our dev team off current OKRs to take advantage of this incredible opportunity. Thank you so much for thinking of us."
Going to someone who has a record of creating terrible startups and asking him or her if it's a good idea. If he or she says it's a good idea, it's probably an incredibly shitty one. The inverse is also true.
I perform the shit idea test on Ryan whenever I need to gauge whether to hack on a new app or not, just so I know what I'm getting into beforehand. Of course he doesn't know I'm performing it on him.
LOL @GoogleEngineer, I'm assuming by Ryan, you're talking about Ryan hoover?
Plain and simple: Weapons that adapt. They aren't robots per se, just weapons that attack and make calculations based on key information.
Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking are among those calling for a ban on military AI as that they could set off a revolution in weaponry comparable to gunpowder and nuclear arms
nice representation of valley's current stance on AI
A person that sits frequently in hi-design coffee bistros, that claims to be changing the world with his big eco-friendly & non-scalable idea.
While in reality this harmless, cobweb-bearded, latte-sipping, fixie-cycling creature camps out days on end, in mood-light-coffee-bistros leeching on free wifi and lemon water without having a remote clue of what it actually takes to hustle and hack his way to a MVP and beyond.
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Hipsterpreneur: Hashtag MVP. Hashtag unicorn. Friend/Interventionist: Dude, you got biscotti on your beard.
A outlook describing how a founder's untapped creative wealth comes to life when put in perilous (and sometimes self-inflicted) situations.
Jim: I've spent all my investment money on t-shirts and shot glasses. How am I going to raise another round and pay my engineer's salary.
Lewis: Relax, they say necessity is the mother of invention. Let's take more shots out of these glasses you bought.
Jim: In the time it took you to finish that sentence, I found a new renewable energy source.
The Timid Sales Rep is completely honest about the SAAS product he is selling, not pushy and never raising his voice. He also misses quota most of the time.
Sales Rep: How did I do on that call?
Sales manager: Why the hell were you speaking so softly? Also I know the base package only allows 10 users but you need to kludge it a little. Just tell them 15 to close the deal.
A phenomenon in which over 75% of female avatars online or in games are men just pretending to be women to get attention.
I used to take advantage of the Fake Female Avatar Phenomenon when pretending to be a female orc on World of Warcraft. Desperate guys would give me gold and help me pay for college because of the stories I'd feed them.
A practitioner of sophisticated techniques to help one overcome deeply rooted personal limitations leading to a golden transformation.
Victor Escalante is an International Personal and Corporate Consultant who has helped thousands of individuals overcome deeply rooted personal limitations. His acumen for personal change has earned him the title, The Re-Engineering Alchemist.
1st Definition: Somebody who takes food or drink from their startup's kitchen with the intention to consume it at home versus at the workplace. Not a real thief.
2nd Definition: Somebody who takes food or drink labeled with one of their coworkers' names.
Bob: My Instacart delivery isn't going to come in time. I'm going to be a office kitchen thief for today and just grab a few things
Noun. A term for vague and banal advice VCs like giving the founders, supposedly helping uncover the secrets to building a successful business.
VC (at board meeting): you know, it is very important not to run out of money
Founder (trying to placate -- more funding will be needed soon): that's a very good point, we are on it
VC: when we invested, I told you we bring a lot of "value add," not just money
Founder: (placating again): gee, you were right, and we appreciate it
VC (smug, and actually beliving they just helped): thank you
This is when a startup manager/CEO/founder sits over your shoulder, watching you code/design and providing unhelpful input. In the most extreme cases, they are physically touching your keyboard, mouse, and/or screen.
I've been trying to get work done all day, but the CEO is such a shitty manager that he keeps giving me a managerial reach-around. Why can't someone teach him to delegate?!
Social + Local + Mobile; interachangeable with LoSoMo, LoMoSo, MoSoLo, MoLoSo or SoMoLo.
In other words - a company who's product is generic as fuck!
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The advantage a startup gains by being the first to market such as limited competition and novelty factor.
John: I've got good news. I did a quick Google search and it seems like no one has tried our on-demand oranges idea yet. We will have first mover advantage!
Paul: There's probably a good reason for that
Modern day Robinhood.
Taking money from your parent's retirement pension and redistributing it to early adopters of technology in Silicon Valley.
Friend 1: "How do you have so many free meals from Munchery? Have you ever paid for a single meal?"
Friend 2: "Nope. VC Money"
Actually the Apple III is a collector's item and sells for hundreds of dollars. The boat anchor you're looking for is the 286 PC.