Nothing has changed. Pure marketing
Introducing the iPhone 4. This changes everything.
Commonly used by startup founders to compare their mediocre startup or idea to the startup unicorn Uber.
Startup Founder: We're the Uber of food delivery.
VC: Uhhh... so is everyone else.
Yep, seamless, delivery,com, munchery, caviar...the list never ends
You should additionally add "Facebook of..." probably the most heard phrase since 2010 ;D
What an investment banker experiences after moving to Silicon Valley because he is no longer at the top of the totem pole.
Lloyd: The other day I was talking to this girl when suddenly this nerdy Facebook employee starts talking to her, not even Mark, just a regular employee... and then she completely ignores me. I work in finance. I repeat, I work in finance. I miss New York.
The number of people that need to be hit by a bus before their project is dead.
"Our engineers work in teams of 10 for the higher bus factor"
It is well known that engineers make a "SPOF" sound when hit by a bus.
Any amount under 1 billion, rendering you off of Forbes billionaire's list, if you round down.
I'm not a billionaire anymore. I'm a nine-hundred-and-eighty-sixionaire, which isn't even a fucking thing. If you round down, I have zero billion.
Refers to the one hour in bed you will spend checking your phone before you actually go to sleep.
SAT question: If Johnny is a phone sleeper and needs to real sleep by 12am so he can wake up for a 7am interview what time does he need to get to bed?
Love it. Although, I did love my iPhone 4S. And it still runs like ALL Apple products I have ever owned!
Doesn't change much to be honest, 99% marketing 1% decent phone