zazpowered (900)



Short for Annual Recurring Revenue

Typically this refers to the recurring revenue per customer. Total recurring revenue / # of customers.

Me: My startup is killing it! We're making 10 millions in ARR!

Added by svhunt svhunt over 9 years ago


    SLO Engineer

    Engineer that graduated from CalPoly SLO. Good chance of being bro-ey, surprisingly good what they are doing.

    Interviewer: So you said you came from SLO..? Cal Poly?
    Interviewee: Yeah bro
    Interviewer: Bro, I came from there too, you're hired!

    Added by mwang mwang over 9 years ago



      Cryptocurrency featuring the Shiba Inu dog on a golden coin as its logo.


      Added by svhunt svhunt over 9 years ago



        Refers to an act where a startup founder runs around networking with others to acquire more users/customers, raise money, etc.
        Chris Sacca, Dave Mcclure loves to use this word.

        Enough said,

        Added by svhunt svhunt over 9 years ago


          Apple Maps Bad?!

          A phrase used to indicate the low quality of a product because Apple Maps is barely usable.

          Enough said,

          Added by svhunt svhunt over 9 years ago

          • zazpowered zazpowered

            I hate that Yelp defaults to Apple Maps. It's terrible

            over 9 years ago

          Brain Rape

          Intellectual property robbery thinly disguised as acquisition talk. Usually committed by a big company on a startup. Yelp got brainraped by Google back in the day.

          Erlich: They're brainraping us right?
          Gerald: They definitely are.
          Erlich: Shit!

          Added by svhunt svhunt over 9 years ago


            Dick Jerk Algorithm

            Highly sophisticated algorithm devised by Pied Piper engineers where one can jerk off 4 dudes at once.
            This algorithm inspired Richard to come up with an advanced middle out algorithm.
            Dick to floor. D2floor.

            ummm, enough said...

            Added by svhunt svhunt over 9 years ago



              A startup uses this word when it's no longer a startup

              "Hey congrats on the series B!"
              "Thanks! Are your deliverables in yet?"

              Added by orien orien over 9 years ago


              Ping Pong Table

              A common piece of furniture at a lot of startups. Some think it is there to promote a fun work environment which is true but it's mostly there because it appeals the predominantly asian and indian engineers

              Hemant: If this startup doesn't have a ping pong table I don't want to work there

              Added by pygmyknight pygmyknight over 9 years ago



                Erlich Bachman's ex-startup.

                Erlich: Take aviato for instance. It's not a name I found. It's the name that found me.

                Erlich: I'm the founder of aviato.

                Erlich: Like A~V~I~A~T~O

                Added by svhunt svhunt over 9 years ago


                  Two Comma Club

                  A club for millionaires. Russ Hannemann from the show joins the club after losing lots of money, resulting in him selling a car that opens vertically and horizontally.


                  Added by svhunt svhunt over 9 years ago



                  A student pursuing an undergraduate, Masters, or PhD degree from UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business.

                  I don't know whether to add Derrick to our Hackathon team. He's just a Haashole who tries too hard and doesn't understand how anything works. He's a great bullshiter though so maybe he would be useful for the presentation.

                  Added by covfefelord covfefelord over 9 years ago


                    The Woz

                    Legendary Apple Co-Founder and alumni of UC Berkeley rumored to have mystical power beyond human understanding. A lounge in UC Berkeley's Soda Hall is named after him in his honor.

                    The Woz has somehow managed to outlive his co-founder Steve Jobs, who ironically cared alot more about his diet and health than he did. I wonder what he knows that the world doesn't.

                    Added by covfefelord covfefelord over 9 years ago


                      Which Steve?

                      A question often posed my computer programmers who seek to make a point that Steve Wozniak could write code and Steve Jobs couldn't (making him the superior founder in their minds). It's often used to indirectly defend their own insecurities in their lack in ability to communicate with other human beings or make things that people actually want.

                      Erlich: When I sold my company, Aviato, I wanted to give back. That's why I started this place, to do something big. To make a difference. You know, like Steve.
                      Richard: Uh, Jobs or Wozniak?
                      Richard: Steve Jobs or Steve...
                      Erlich: Oh, I heard you.
                      Richard: Which one?
                      Erlich: Jobs.
                      Richard: I mean, Jobs was a poser. He didn't even write code.

                      Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                        Apple Newton

                        A discontinued personal digital assistant that Apple Inc. created in 1987 that is often used as a cliche to justify how companies fail before they are successful or are sometimes ahead of their time.

                        I created Grindr back in the early 2000s. It's incrediby popular today, but back then nobody thought twice of using it. It was our companies Apple Newton.

                        Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                          Growth Hacking

                          Growth hacking is a buzzword journalists and marketers shamelessly use to describe marketing techniques that uses internet applications in non-traditional ways. It makes the person saying it seem as if they've mastered a skill traditional marketers haven't caught on to. Although this is incredibly important aspect for startups it is pretty much a douchier way of saying marketing.

                          Studying various growth hacking techniques, Jimmy decided to email a million people Dogecoins with his companies name at the bottom of the email to increase exposure.

                          Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago



                            The default answer lazy software engineers give to their non-techinical friends, when asked what the best way to learn how to code is.

                            Jimmy: You're such a good programmer. I want to learn how to code, but already have this Haas degree and can't go back to college. What can I do to learn today?

                            Bobby: I don't know man, google it. I hear Codecademy is a thing. I just want to go back to playing DOTA.

                            Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                              Jack Dorsey

                              Founder of Square and Twitter. He reads alot of books on self-improvement and tries to build a zen-like culture within the work place like a poor man's Phil Jackson.

                              Jack Dorsey made us hold hands after the meeting today in a circle. It was awkward because I hear Stacy doesn't wash her hands after going to the bathroom.

                              Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                                Y Combinator

                                A label you add to your startup's intro (if chosen) that your company exchanges 7% of protected equity to arbitrary increase your valuation with.

                                After getting accepted from Y Combinator, my 3 man team from [insert top 5 engineering school here], we launched our [insert undeveloped idea that sounds good on paper here], and raised 1.5 million dollars from Demo Day because we're changing the world.

                                Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago

                                • charlesjo charlesjo

                                  Possibly more valuable label than Stanford in the startup world.

                                  about 9 years ago

                                Ron Conway

                                One of the most successful startup angel investors in Silicon Valley and the head of SV Angel in Palo Alto. He went to San Jose State, likes to drink diet coke, and invested in Google, Facebook, Twitter, Square, Pinterest, and many others.

                                It's no secret that Paul Graham secretly aspires to be Ron Conway by the way his eyes beam feverishly whenever interviewing him.

                                Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago