chipchop (0)


The 2140 Bitcoin Cap

There is an arbitrary cap of around 21 Million Bitcoins in existence (absolutely no more than this will ever be made). It's calculated that the final Bitcoin will be distributed in 2140.

Because of this people speculate that it's value will spike greatly, when they are no longer mineable or purchasable by traditional means.

I'm going to buy a single Bitcoin and pass it down my family for generations so that the family member that experiences the 2140 Bitcoin Cap will be able to cash out on my small predicted investment.

Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago



    Sounds fancy, but it's just a data measuring mechanism that gives you info on customer app visits.

    An example would be Mixpanel or Google Analytics which tells you stuff like how many people are going and staying on your site, how many people are making accounts, etc.

    Lauren: Our user base is growing exponentially.


    Lauren: This fancy graph in the analytics shows us, my friend.

    Jack: Math is power!

    Lauren: Uh...yeah. I guess.

    Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago



      A now mostly defunct crypto currency that has a picture of a Shiba Inu dog as it's logo.

      Delivery guy: Hi I have your pizza delivery, that will be 22.45$

      Randolph: Fantastic. Do you accept Dogecoin?

      Delivery guy: Why yes we do. That will be 130,644.70 Doge.

      Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago


        Pickup Hacks

        A nerdy term thrown around that denotes strategies to ask women (or men) out.

        Winston: Yo Bob got any Pickup hacks?

        Bob: Yeah. Stop compensating for traits that you think you lack, by putting down every person you meet for their "lack of intelligence."

        Winston: Fuck, I can't do that. I'm playing DOTA tonight instead.

        Added by GoogleEngineer GoogleEngineer almost 9 years ago


          Lord of the Bings

          The guy or girl in your network who exclusively uses Bing to either be a hipster or to look good because they work at Microsoft.

          James: Hey can you look up the name of Dan Garcia's new textbook.

          Rob: Sure I'll Bing it.

          James: All hail thee, Lord of the Bings.

          Added by HalfLife3 HalfLife3 almost 9 years ago



          Stands for Bay Area Rapid Transit.

          People are often surprised that the Bay Area has it's own train. It's fun to ride at first, but then one day it hits you.

          Jobs: Started from the bottom now we here.

          Woz: From a BART train to a private plane.

          Jobs: We made it.

          Added by HalfLife3 HalfLife3 almost 9 years ago


            Lead Investor

            When raising a large round of seed money, the lead investor is your headliner that makes it more convincing for other investors to get on board.

            After Ashton Kutcher became our lead investor, every bloodsucking leach in the valley decided to send me emails asking if they could get in on the round.

            Added by GoogleEngineer GoogleEngineer almost 9 years ago


              Coffee Maker

              In many offices a coffee maker refers to a machine that produces coffee. In Silicon Valley however, a coffee maker is an actual human being (normally an intern) whose job it is to grind the coffee beans by hand and brew drip coffee.

              In many places it is culturally unacceptable to drink coffee that isn't freshly brewed or use beans that aren't single origin.

              Bill the Intern: Here's your coffee Justin.
              Justin: Thanks Bill. The kale leaves on the side are a nice touch. *sips.* Bill come over here for a second.
              Bill the Intern: What can I do for you Justin. I hope your enjoying the Tesora blend they had on sale at Philz.
              Justin: First off, you disgust me. Second off, I never want to see your face in this office again. I hope it goes without saying that you are THE worst coffee maker this company has ever had. What have we learned today?
              Bill the Intern: Single origin only...
              Justin: Good. Now get out.

              Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago


              Startup Wet Dreaming

              A nocturnal emission that occurs at the thought of one's startup being acquired or achieving vast success.

              Julie: These sheets....what the hell. Are you cheating on me?

              Ryan: Sorry babe, I've been startup wet dreaming ever since Tech Stars accepted our team. Love ya.

              Added by HalfLife3 HalfLife3 almost 9 years ago

              • chipchop chipchop

                This may have happened to me before

                almost 9 years ago


              When an investor puts money in a startup based on the team and not the idea, product, or traction.

              Martha: Wow, I gotta hand it to George, his team actually raised 30k. I thought his idea was terrible.

              James: Nah, don't be too impressed I heard an angel just teamvested in them because they all graduated from Stanford.

              Added by covfefelord covfefelord almost 9 years ago



                An entrepreneur or remote employee that can work and travel all around the world because the only things they need to be productive are internet and laptop.

                Last year I had an amazing experience as a nomad working out of Starbucks in over 30 countries.

                Added by zazpowered zazpowered almost 9 years ago


                Buzzfeed Writer

                A mediocre writer, but decent list builder. Their article titles usually follow the model: [Number] [Subject] So [Hyperbole] You [Claim]

                10 Clickbaity Titles So Enticing You Have To Click

                Added by svpro svpro almost 9 years ago



                When you mix your typical engineer with your typical frat boy. The official heuristic to identify a brogrammer in your organization is when you can't tell whether the suspect is part of your engineering team or your sales team.

                David: I originally thought Kilim was a programmer but he's been popping his collar and talking a lot. Is he a brogrammer?

                Added by zazpowered zazpowered almost 9 years ago

                • bkelly bkelly

                  More useful information for problogrammer here IBM

                  about 8 years ago

                Code Ninja

                A euphemism that is used by Bay Area recruiters who don't actually know what in specific they want in a Software Engineer, just someone who can pretty much do everything and anything that's handed to them.

                We're looking to recruit the best Code Ninjas possible for our startup of 4 currently employed non-technical founders. Free pizza will be provided on Wednesdays.

                Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie almost 9 years ago

                • charlesjo charlesjo

                  Also used oddly and inappropriately by non-Asians as term of endearment to their Asian-American friends.

                  almost 9 years ago


                Someone who wants to start a company so he or she can garner social proof from it all, instead of someone who has an innovative idea that could possibly make money.

                Although alot of the Wharton MBA's are quite intelligent, many of them are wantrepreneurs who just want to tell girls that they are the CEOs of companies.

                Added by covfefelord covfefelord almost 9 years ago

                • Ismael Ismael

                  Also popularized by Mark Cuban on Shark Tank.

                  about 8 years ago

                Bus Factor

                The number of people that need to be hit by a bus before their project is dead.

                "Our engineers work in teams of 10 for the higher bus factor"

                Added by asdf asdf almost 9 years ago

                • employeeNumbaOne employeeNumbaOne

                  It is well known that engineers make a "SPOF" sound when hit by a bus.

                  about 8 years ago


                A site of hyperbole that occasionally masquerades as a news source when it wants to feel relevant.

                TimeWaster: ”Did you see that article on Buzzfeed News?”
                NormalPerson: “No..I was reading real news”

                Added by svpro svpro almost 9 years ago


                  Crushing it

                  Achieving exceptional success with something.

                  Jess is totally crushing it with her new Uber-for-VC-funding app. She's already been hunted.


                  Added by Travis Travis almost 9 years ago

                  • charlesjo charlesjo

                    Founders use this term until "Awesome Journey."

                    almost 9 years ago

                  Uber of...

                  Commonly used by startup founders to compare their mediocre startup or idea to the startup unicorn Uber.

                  Startup Founder: We're the Uber of food delivery.
                  VC: Uhhh... so is everyone else.

                  Added by ssc242 ssc242 almost 9 years ago

                  • iceariel13 iceariel13

                    Yep, seamless, delivery,com, munchery, caviar...the list never ends

                    over 8 years ago
                  • N.Hemingway N.Hemingway

                    You should additionally add "Facebook of..." probably the most heard phrase since 2010 ;D

                    over 8 years ago

                  Engineer Unicorn

                  An engineer that is competent, good looking, dresses well and is not socially awkward.

                  John: How come no other engineers are like David?
                  Mary: He's an engineer unicorn. They are rare.

                  Added by pygmyknight pygmyknight almost 9 years ago

                  • torbenberger torbenberger

                    The legend says some of them can be found here

                    over 8 years ago
                  • employeeNumbaOne employeeNumbaOne

                    "Unicorn" is a common term for an engineer (usually front-end) who also has good taste in design and is able to contribute to UX early on. But "unicorn" is also used for startups that turn out to be breakout successes, like Uber and Airbnb. Silicon Valley really likes unicorns.

                    almost 9 years ago