Social Proof Hacking

Making your company or website appear more popular than it is by artificially modifying website and social media statistics.

Jack was more easily able to sign a big client after the company he was signing on noticed that their website's videos had over 10,000 hits. Some say Facebook used to do that early on as well.

Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


Hollywood Techie

Someone, usually from LA, who joins a tech company with the sole purpose of trying to get details right in a movie idea meant to pander to a techie audience. They have no real interest in tech otherwise.

That new intern Robert just spends all day at his desk writing his screenplay. I wonder what that Hollywood techie is writing about us.

Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


    Investor Netflix and Chill

    When an investor says he wants to go out for coffee and discuss ideas.

    Ever since our site hit 200,000 users we've been getting nothing but emails asking to investor netflix and chill.

    Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


      Boardroom Wingmaning

      When someone loosely affiliated with a company joins a meeting to make the person pitching seem more likable.

      Ping and Satish took a day off to boardroom wingman for Jason's pitch to Accel partners.

      Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


        The Multi-CEO Club

        A club belonging to individuals who are the CEO of more than a single company.

        Now that Jack Dorsey is about become the CEO of Twitter, he is about to join the Multi-CEO Club along with Steve Jobs and Elon Musk.

        Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago



          Badmanan is kind of guy who typically likes to do this:
          1. He proposes, "Hey let's get some food together!"
          2. Then he goes to have food with some girls.

          Manan is a bad manan!

          Added by Shu Shu over 9 years ago



            Stands for (y)oung (u)rban (p)rofessional. A term used to describe someone who is young, has a high-paying job and an affluent lifestyle.


            Added by hithere hithere over 9 years ago



              The person in tech with all the money, and very little engineering sense.

              Engineer 1: The stakeholder wants us to incorporate the "Internet of things"
              Engineer 2: This is exactly why most start-ups fail...

              Added by JTMDefines JTMDefines over 9 years ago


                Premium Price

                When searching for domains this is the biggest "fuck you" you can encounter. It translates to costs more than 25,000 dollars.

                "This is a .CO Premium Domain Name that is available for registration at a premium price."

                Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                  The Sharing Economy

                  The socio-economic ecosystem that focuses on using the labor or tools of a collective society. Basically empowers normal people to offer services easily without having to go through a company outside the application that is brining them together.

                  Uber is exploring uncharted territory by disrupting the Taxi industry and powering the sharing economy with respect to automobiles.

                  Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago

                  • charlesjo charlesjo

                    Initially seemed revolutionary to bring better experience to customers and financial reward to value creators. Results are TBD.

                    over 9 years ago

                  The 4 Immortal Industries

                  Food, medicine, sex, and advertising.

                  Mr. Javed taught us in class about the 4 immortal industries and that how from now until the end of time, as long as human civilization endures, these industries will exist and thrive.

                  Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                    Relevance Companies

                    The startups in one's incubators that are responsible for their relevance.

                    AirBnB and Dropbox are Y Combinator's relevance companies. Without them people would care about the incubator to a much less degree and they would not be as successful as they are.

                    Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago



                      A person.

                      Google is a person, just like us.

                      Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                        Hipster Designer Fallacy

                        Refers to non-technical, founders whose best abilities lie in intangible abilities versus testable ones. They focus on the overall product versus individual features.

                        Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Inc. and Brian Chensky, founder of AirBNB, are self-proclaimed design founders.

                        Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                          Changing Ms to Bs

                          When setting a valuation to ones industry, this refers to changing the numbers on one's presentation slides to reflect that the industry they are disrupting is worth billions not millions. Investors aren't looking to put money in million dollar companies as much as they are ready to invest in potential billion dollar ones.

                          "Back then I didn't know what the hell a Pitch Deck was. Sam Altman looked at my slides and told me to change all the ms to bs because thats the only thing that interests investors. "

                          Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago



                            Refers to the collective group of software companies whose worth is perceived to be lower than their labeled valuations.

                            Jeff: You got funded because we're in a bubble. On demand cat food isn't worth 50 million dollars.

                            Ryan: What bubble? Cat food is a billion dollar industry.

                            Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                              Two Comma Club

                              Having an income or net worth that is equal to or greater than $1,000,000. This income or net worth generates a number that requires two commas and therefore puts the person into exclusive status as a high income earner or wealthy individual.

                              John sold his company for $2,000,000 and joined the two comma club.

                              Reference: http://www.twocommaclub.com/definition-of-two-comma-club/

                              Added by sellingstock sellingstock over 9 years ago


                              Stanford Ignorance

                              Not knowing simple everyday things because you attend Stanford all the way out in the middle of Palo Alto. This includes not being able to take a bus or knowing where the BART goes.

                              Jessica: What is BART? Were they talking about The Simpsons?

                              Monica: Your Stanford ignorance is showing...

                              Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                                Founder Sympathy Blogging

                                When a semi-high profile startup founder writes an incredibly emotional (and overly dramatic) piece about how hard their lives were to humanize them and make them seem accessible.

                                My friend Jerry Lee Kai was founder sympathy blogging the other day and to his surprise it got incredibly popular. He had to follow up that later that he wasn't as damaged as the article made him out to be.

                                Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


                                  The Stanford Marching Band

                                  Genuinely the weirdest and most outgoing students at Stanford whose performance includes not only playing music, but also being incredibly random in the ways they dress and perform.

                                  My dad saw the Stanford Marching Band at the airport and all of them were wearing multi-color onesies. At first he thought they were retarded, but then realized they were students attending one of the most highly rated universities in the world after asking one of them if they needed help.

                                  Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago