The world famous religious center where a simple walk through will clear your mind and spirit and make you realize that there is a God.
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Someone whose often delusioned, that spends immense time mining dogecoins all day
Clark is a dogecoin miner. He thinks that one day all his dogecoins will be worth thousands of dollars.
A programmer who is obsessed with basketball and doesn't fully identify as a brogrammer. To ballgramers, ball (outside the office) is life.
Jalen is such a ballgrammer, he dunked during pickup yesterday and skipped work today to go to the Warriors parade.
Customer churn refers to when a customer (player, subscriber, user, etc.) ceases his or her relationship with a company. Online businesses typically treat a customer as churned once a particular amount of time has elapsed since the customer's last interaction with the site or service.
Sky customer services uses a newer and far more accurate approach to customer churn prediction: at the core of Sky’s ability to accurately predict which customers will churn is a unique method of calculating customer lifetime value for each and every customer. -
Repetitive strain injury caused by constant use of one's "pinky finger" when using modifier keys in Emacs. This term has been adopted by developers using other editors or IDEs due to frequent use of quotes, ticks, braces, colon, semi-colon. etc. as they are dependent upon the use of the right hand pinky.
God I hate you PHP! Every day I have Emacs pinky because every line requires at least five keystrokes with my right hand's little finger.
We cannot afford real office furniture.
Our teams work in an open work space.
We need a word for marketing through svdictionary definitions