WFIO, pronounced whiff-eee-o, is an acronym which stands for "We're Fucked; It's Over." Used to describe that horrible moment when an individual is certain their startup is dead. A typical entrepreneur will experience three of these per week.

Board of Directors: How was revenue this quarter?


Added by hunterlane hunterlane over 9 years ago


    Hacker News Hack

    A person who spends his time commenting on Hacker News product posts all day criticizing everything he sees, but is just barely aware that they can't make something original of his or her own.

    During his breaks, Jack becomes a hacker news hack who browses hacker news all day and criticizes everything he reads.

    Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


      Long Nail Delay

      When an engineer or person working at a computer doesn't cut his finger nails and his typing speed is slowed down because of it.

      Jack: Why are you working so slowly today? It took you 20 more minutes to debug Horace's shitty code today

      Lou: It's Long Nail Delay, My roommate sold my nail clipper to some pervert on Craigslist.

      Jack: Totally makes sense now.

      Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago

      • zazpowered zazpowered

        sounds really dumb but it does slow you down

        over 9 years ago

      Rockstar Developer

      A developer that rocks the code hard, while looking good, dressing well and being adored by colleagues and fans alike.

      Mary-Ellen: How come no other developers are like Angus?
      Johnboy: He's a rockstar. They are rare, because it's a long way to the top (if you wanna rock 'n' roll).

      Added by masterblaster masterblaster about 9 years ago



        CTR which stands for click through rate is the ratio between clicks and impressions. It is a commonly used term in online advertising and email campaigns as a way to measure effectiveness.

        Dan placed a small banner ad on his website that received 5 clicks in 100 page views for a CTR of 5%. After making the banner ad full screen his CTR increased to 100% but nobody returned to the site.

        Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


        The LinkedIn Endorsement Poke

        When someone you barely know adds you on LinkedIn and endorses you for skills they don't even know you have in an attempt to get attention or get you to endorse them for stuff back.

        I hate adding people on LinkedIn because I get LinkedIn Endorsement pokes as soon as I add people. I'm an Android developer and for some reason I have 40 more endorsements for Objective C then I do Android.

        Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago


          Google Dance

          When a website is constantly shifting organic ranking placements within the Google search engine result pages.

          CEO- Our website is doing the "Google Dance" this month.
          Marketing Manager-Yes, we've been "Google Dancing" like its 1999!

          Added by DavidZ DavidZ over 9 years ago



            Rickrolling is a form of bait and switch that involves using a link that seems relevant but really links to the music video for Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up"

            Woah look at this cute cat

            Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


            Code Grinder

            A suit-wearing, cubicle inhabiting minion who is one of thousands of identical minions hired to write banking systems or payroll packages in RPG and other unspeakable horrors. See BFI operator.

            Dave: Hey, my friend Tom over in Seattle said he's been working 6 years on the same reporting module but never seen the whole project.
            Larry: Let's take a minute's silence for all the code grinders out there.
            (brief 5-second pause)
            Larry: Ok, enough of that, let's get to the boardroom - they've got macarons from Tout Sweet.

            Added by doctorgee doctorgee over 9 years ago



              Fired or laid off.

              "Jeff was here last week, but he was uninstalled on Monday."

              Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper over 9 years ago

              • charlesjo charlesjo

                Alternative usage is to show the world what great taste you have about apps. "I had to uninstall Yahoo Weather. Graphics overdone."

                over 9 years ago


              A word used to describe the flashing and annoying ads which consume the lower 1/3 of your phone's screen.

              Bro #1: Taking my phone to the shop, there's this weird Zynga on my screen that refuses to go away.
              Bro #2: Ha, I had to throw mine in the trash to get rid of it.

              Added by That_Guy That_Guy about 9 years ago


                Hardware Engineer

                A generally hardworking engineer who works on designing and building physical products after years of dedication to a certain field.

                Mistakes they make are very costly since they can't recompile or release a hotfix

                Software engineer: I always wanted to do hardware but I heard it is tough

                Hardware engineer: If it was easy it would be called easyware!

                Added by Mrandrewandrade Mrandrewandrade over 9 years ago


                  A/B Testing

                  A/B testing is when you test two variants of something A and B to determine which one maximizes the outcome you want. It is commonly used in web design.

                  After doing some A/B testing, Buzzfeed determined that the headline "You'll never believe what happened next" had a 50% higher click through rate than the headline "The cat ran across the lawn" so that's what they used.

                  Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                    The 90:10 Dilemma

                    When men or women question the workplace environment they're about to accept a position in solely based on the fact that there is an inordinately unbalanced ratio of men to women, which is highly perturbing to the individual.

                    After being sorrounded by men the entire day, Casey turned down the job at Zynga secretly perturbed by the 90:10 Dilemma.

                    Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago



                      The purist form of startup. A startup that is valued for billions of dollars without recording any sales revenue. Typically, less revenue demonstrates a higher valuation by "Early Stage Investors"

                      Investor: 'What's your revenue model?'
                      Founder: 'At the moment, we are pre-revenue...we are focused on user acquisition and securing a unicorn valuation for our Series A'

                      Added by healpay healpay over 9 years ago


                        Stack Overflow Effect

                        Refers to how much Stack Overflow has improved developer efficiency around the world. If it didn't exist engineers would be using shitty mailing lists or figuring out things themselves.

                        Boss: So you're telling me that because Stack Overflow is down you need to take a break? and I hired you because you know how to search a website that anybody in the world can access? Why am I paying you so much?

                        Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                          Wikipedia Kid

                          That co-worker who doesn’t really know the job, but pretends to by just slapping together everyone else’s contributions.

                          Illustration of a Wikipedia Kid (from “The IT Crowd”):
                          Mr Reynholm (the big boss): Jen, did I just see you googling “IT manager”?
                          Jen (the IT manager): Um…

                          Added by doctorgee doctorgee over 9 years ago


                            Y Combinator

                            Y Combinator is an early stage seed fund started by Paul Graham in 2005. The combined market cap of Y Combinator companies is currently over $30 billion

                            John: You should apply for Y Combinator they will give you 120k for 7% of your company and provide great mentorship.
                            Amit: Great idea. I'm going to apply

                            Added by zazpowered zazpowered over 9 years ago


                              Tech Lobbyist

                              A person whose job it is to lobby for big tech corporations like Google, Facebook, Apple, etc. Their work increasingly involves pushing congress and local government to enact laws that they barely understand anyway dealing with topics like cyber security, dragnet surveillance, and online constitutional issues.

                              After finishing school at Berkeley, Jim became a tech lobbyist for Facebook approving laws with technical jargon that most congressmen aren't familiar with anyway.

                              Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie over 9 years ago

                              • blog blog

                                With the FTC breathing down its neck, Google has stepped up its lobbying spend in the last year, shelling out $4.03 million in 2009. That's up 44% from the year prior. Despite the growth, Google's lobbying spend remains relatively small. Microsoft spent $6.7 million in 2009. Comcast spent $12.6 and AT&T spent $14.7 million. We decided to take a look at lobbying from tech companies after we ran a chart looking at ad spending for tech companies. (For what it's worth, Google's lobbying is half what it spends on advertising.) Our lobbying data comes from the Senate Office of Public Affairs database. We also graphed lobbying spend as a percent of revenue. Interestingly, of the companies we looked at, ebay spends the least on lobbying as percent of revenue. Guess that's the advantage of not dominating any market, other than mp3 players

                                about 9 years ago
                              • blog blog

                                sorry ..... correction ( in above comment istead of apple it was mistyped as ebay)

                                about 9 years ago


                              Ethnic subgroup common in Silicon Valley.

                              In the workplace they tend to be more nepotistic, viewing other Korean engineers more favorably. They are also split by generational divides; Korean born engineers and American Born Korean Engineers interact rarely.

                              Among Korean born engineers imported from abroad, hierarchical attitudes can be common. Emphasis is placed on age, company ranking and salary.

                              "The Koreans are going out again."

                              "Why don't they ever invite us along?"

                              "Don't worry about it man, they're always up to some secret Korean shit."

                              Added by koreanfuckboy koreanfuckboy over 9 years ago