This Guy Fucks

Made popular by Russ Hanneman on the Silicon Valley show. It is just something to say when you want to mess with somebody. Meaningless. Could also mean this guy has a lot of sex but its impossible to tell.


Added by zazpowered zazpowered about 9 years ago



    FOMO = an acronym for "Fear of Missing Out"

    The team was exhausted from attending/pitching at multiple conferences during the same week, but pressed on- motivated by FOMO that their dream angel investor might be present.

    Added by StephanieG StephanieG about 9 years ago

    • @WeTeachGeeks @WeTeachGeeks

      So many events to attend....so many clients to find...

      about 9 years ago

    Jack Dorsey

    Founder of Square and Twitter. He reads alot of books on self-improvement and tries to build a zen-like culture within the work place like a poor man's Phil Jackson.

    Jack Dorsey made us hold hands after the meeting today in a circle. It was awkward because I hear Stacy doesn't wash her hands after going to the bathroom.

    Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie about 9 years ago



      This word's roots comes from the number 1,000,000,000. Which has 3 commas. TresCommas is a club that was formed by billionaires. The word is a hybrid of Spanish and English. "Tres" meaning three (3), and Commas meaning, well, commas ",". The only way to be inducted into the TresCommas Club is to have a net worth of at least 1 billion dollars. Correct usage of the word requires an inter-cap spelling, both the "T" and "C" should always be capitalized to further emphasize what it denotes. Should a club member's net worth fall below TresCommas, membership status is instantly revoked. Members are easy to spot in SV because the cars they drive have Billionaire Doors. TresCommas is also a brand of Tequila, which is only available to members of the TresCommas club.

      I'm in the TresCommas club and have the Tequila to prove it.

      Added by trescommas trescommas about 9 years ago



        Also known as "The Internet".

        Bill: "I'm currently working in Cloud-Based Employment Solutions Research."
        Ted: "Are you looking for a job on Craigslist?"
        Bill: "....yes."

        Added by benjamin_james benjamin_james about 9 years ago



          Anyone who use personal computers only for writing, just like a typewriter machine.

          "Do you think he can upload these on the website?"
          "Nah, he's just a worder!"

          Added by iamDeveloper iamDeveloper about 9 years ago



            A student pursuing an undergraduate, Masters, or PhD degree from UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business.

            I don't know whether to add Derrick to our Hackathon team. He's just a Haashole who tries too hard and doesn't understand how anything works. He's a great bullshiter though so maybe he would be useful for the presentation.

            Added by covfefelord covfefelord about 9 years ago


              The Five Dollar Footlong Lean Startup Diet

              When a startup founder lives off of five dollar foot long sandwiches to save money for his or her early stage venture. They buy a single five dollar foot long subway sandwich, eat half of it in the afternoon and the other half at dinner.

              Since Julius is on the five dollar day long diet, he only eats footlong subway sandwiches everyday to conserve his companies startup money. It's kind of sad.

              Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie about 9 years ago



              A startup uses this word when it's no longer a startup

              "Hey congrats on the series B!"
              "Thanks! Are your deliverables in yet?"

              Added by orien orien about 9 years ago


              That's Startup Life

              The default response whenever someone talks about how shitty being an entrepreneur is.

              Kim: I've been working for the past 15 hours, can't afford anything but Taco Bell and investors are telling me they want to circle back in a few months. We all know what that means. This sucks.
              Matthew: That's startup life. What do you expect?

              Added by zazpowered zazpowered about 9 years ago



                Supporting a cause in the laziest way possible, usually on social media. You feel like you're helping without getting out of your chair.

                "I see in my feed you retweeted every single ice bucket challenge video. You should get an award for your slacktivism."

                Added by healthdatatom healthdatatom about 9 years ago

                • yungsnuggie yungsnuggie

                  this one's great

                  about 9 years ago
                • charlesjo charlesjo

                  Thought this could be on Slack which would make audience even smaller. "I've done my part in the movement since I discussed it in my private Slack group."

                  about 9 years ago


                Some sad-sack SME client who agrees to QA your shitty, half-built, poorly-coded, likely useless, new product or functionality.

                See also: Pivot http://svdictionary.com/words/pivot

                "So you're telling me... you want to dabble outside your core business without any clear plan nor the requisite skills and use my firm as your free QA Beta-Pig? No goddamn way. Oh you won't charge us? Why didn't you say so? I'll pull our dev team off current OKRs to take advantage of this incredible opportunity. Thank you so much for thinking of us."

                Added by IPLobby.com IPLobby.com about 9 years ago


                  Facebook Reach

                  Facebook reach is the number of people that see posts from Facebook pages. Organic Facebook reach has dropped since Facebook made changes to their feed algorithm to encourage companies to buy ads promoting page posts.

                  It's almost pointless for our startup to promote our Facebook page because we will have to pay to get any Facebook reach.

                  Added by zazpowered zazpowered about 9 years ago



                  Using a productivity tool called Slack to get work done or communicate with one's team. This can easily be confused to mean "not doing one's work."

                  Jack: You've been getting alot done.

                  James: Yeah man, I've been slacking all day.

                  Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie about 9 years ago


                    On Demand

                    Another way of saying "for lazy people."

                    Meals on demand. That's right, we're revolutionizing the way you get pizza.

                    Added by employeeNumbaOne employeeNumbaOne about 9 years ago


                      Technical Social Media Manager

                      Somebody who in addition to being able to retweet and favorite tweets mentioning their company's name also knows basic HTML.

                      I've managed to carve a nice niche for myself by learning how to bold text using html

                      Added by zazpowered zazpowered about 9 years ago


                        Snack Dick

                        Like a regular dick but smaller and tucked behind the ear. Used by Dinesh on Silicon Valley to describe Pied Piper's logo


                        Added by zazpowered zazpowered about 9 years ago


                          Big 4

                          For a software engineer this generally refers to Amazon, Facebook, Google and Microsoft.

                          If I don't get into a Big 4 my life is over. They are so prestigious

                          Added by zazpowered zazpowered about 9 years ago


                            US Bitcoin Legislative Arms Race

                            This references the pressure Bitcoin startups have to show significant traction or get acquired before the United States outlaws the use of Bitcoin (whether this will or will not happen is of course debatable).

                            Look man, because of the US Bitcoin Legislative Arms Race, our job is to make enough sales and sell out before the House and Senate make some extreme move in banning Bitcoin and making our company essentially worthless here in the US. I don't want to move to Greece man.

                            Added by yungsnuggie yungsnuggie about 9 years ago


                              Uber Funded

                              When your startup is funded from the side cash made off of Uber driving.

                              Zayne: Have you guys raised a round of funding?

                              Pan: We are in fact, Uber funded.

                              Zayne: Right...congrats?

                              Added by HalfLife3 HalfLife3 almost 9 years ago